Peconic Baykeeper is a proud partner in the Blue Water Task Force, a volunteer-run water quality monitoring and testing program managed by The Surfrider Foundation that monitors 0ver 80 sites on the East End. This program identifies any potential problems with bacteria pollution we may face in our coastal waters, allowing us to be proactive in protecting our local waterways and waterway users. The majority of these sites are not classified as “public bathing beaches” and are otherwise untested by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services or other entities.
Water samples are collected year-round (weekly during the summer months) at various beaches on the East End with processing done at our lab at Peconic Baykeeper’s Hampton Bays office. Water quality alerts are posted to our website (below) and shared through our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Historical and current data can also be found on the Blue Water Task Force website. Thanks to the generous grant support of the Long Island Community Foundation in 2021, we have expanded monitoring to the North Fork, the Western Peconics, and additional sites in Shinnecock Bay. We always welcome public input to identify new monitoring locations so please let us know if you have a specific site in mind or are interested in working as a water sampling volunteer.
For a recap and report on the efforts of the Blue Water Task Force in 2023 please click here! (For optimal viewing please use Google Chrome)
Recent Test Results
Water Quality Report Update 03:10:25 (PDF)
Bacteria Monitoring Report 02:10:25 (PDF)
Bacteria Monitoring Report 1:13:2025 (PDF)
For Past Results Visit The Archive:
Alexa Collecting Water Samples at Ponquogue Beach
Why Is This Important?
The samples we take from our local beaches get tested for Enterococcus, a coli form bacterium that indicates fecal pollution (human or animal waste) and other pathogens that can lead to skin irritation and illness in people and pets. Fecal pollution also acts as a fertilizer for toxic algal blooms that are dangerous for people, pets, and wildlife. Before heading to the beach, check the above links for the most recent test results and warnings.
What Have We Learned?
How Can You Stay Safe?
The following tips will help to protect yourself and your family from getting sick at the beach: